Published on February 21, 2005 By NYAJ In Welcome
Thanks everyone for taking this morning's survey. We don't have responses from a third of our group, but I wanted to share the results so far.

PARADE: Entries due Thursday, Feb. 24. 60 percent said no to the parade. However, at least a third said they thought we should pass out the buttons at some of the St. Pat's activities that Saturday (solar car unveiling, at the Puck, etc.) Do we have any volunteers to do this?

HEADS-UP: 100 percent thought we needed to give the presidents of StuCo and SUB notice of our plan. Other high mentions were the Graduate Student Association and the student design teams. The next level included St. Pat's chair and our own student workers. Do we have any volunteers to speak with the students?

OTHER NOTIFICATION: 90 percent thought the three administrators mentioned (C, J, and GT) needed to be notified. One person thought all admins from vice chancellor up needed to be clued in. One thought no administrators should get a heads-up. Any volunteers to speak with C, J and GT?

SPRAY CHALK: Majority thought we need a stencil and the chalking should be done in key locations, not plastered across campus. Locations should include HC steps, Library plaza, near the Puck, TJ Hall and the Quad. Any volunteers to spray the campus the week of March 14?

BUTTONS: Majority really liked the button design. Two questions posed were if it needed to have the website address and if Joe was a little lost in the yellow stripe. Great job Ian! Per our timeline, we need to get these ordered by Friday, Feb. 25. Rebecca will take care of ordering but we need to find out from Andy what kind of budget we'll have. Majority also thought handing out the buttons in person would be the best, otherwise people would think that everyone got one. However, most recognized that in the long run we'll need to be able to distribute these on a mass basis, so we'll need some type of card that the button could be pinned to that would describe what NYAJ is all about. About a third thought we should use a core group (ranging from students to the CMN) to also distribute a maximum of five buttons.

BANNERS: We're pretty split on the idea of buttons and table tents right now. Most agreed that we should plan to budget money for a banner, but some felt that should wait until fall to see if NYAJ has gathered any buzz.

FLIERS: While some thought this should also wait, the majority thought we should have fliers that could be photocopied and both plastered on billboards and handed out. One mentioned we should gather examples of other fliers so that our flier would really stand out.

OTHER METHODS: T-shirts and sweatshirts were also mentioned as ways to get the word out. Because we don't have a budget right now, these may have to wait. However, at least a third liked the idea of T-shirts (more casual than professional and aimed at students) given away as part of raffles or scavenger hunts, etc. Another third thought we needed to separate St. Pats from NYAJ and definitely not use the St. Pat's sweatshirts. Also mentioned was writing the NYAJ website address on chalkboards or white boards in classroom across campus.

The web folks are working to get a mock-up for us to see by March 1. We need to have the finalized button for everyone to see by Thursday. In my opinion, we should really utilize our in-house experts and go with their opinion. In other words, I think we should all freely share our thoughts and it'll be up to the person volunteering to make the final decision. Does that seem fair?

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